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About Us

Discovery "Encounters" (ages 15-18 & in 9th grade through 12th grade) and Discovery "Sojourns" (for young adults, ages 19-25) are three-day events. This three-day spiritual renewal time provides an opportunity for you to learn more about faith, to experience Christian love and support, and to make new faith commitments. The point is to inspire, challenge and equip you for a closer friendship with Christ and for Christian action at home, church, school, and community.

You'll spend time in worship, prayer, fellowship, and discussion. You'll experience the love of God through prayers and acts of service from a loving support community. You'll have a chance to discover or re-discover your spiritual self, to analyze and realize who you are in Christ.  You'll hear talks that focus on the needs of maturing young adults, the message of the gospel, and the friendship and example of Jesus Christ. Each day speakers present topics with life examples, followed by discussion, reflection, and discussion of how these messages can encourage your personal faith.

​Encounter and Sojourn weekends take place at Camp Illiana in Washington, Indiana and are $75 to attend. Scholarships are available if needed. In order to attend you must have someone sponsor you who has attended a fourth day weekend.


Discovery Meaning

Discovery Weekend Vision:


To lead young adults to better KNOW the saving grace of God through the gift of Jesus Christ; to effectively GROW in their understanding of how God works through the Holy Spirit to make Himself known to mankind; to prepare them to GO into the world with the power of the Holy Spirit to share the Good News of Jesus.


Discovery Weekend Mission:


A team of volunteer leaders, both young adults and seasoned believers, will host a three day weekend designed with three domains; one domain taught daily.


Day one: teach high school believers about God’s design for humanity, the fall of mankind out of favor with God, and God’s plan to restore His relationship with mankind through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. 


Day two: equip high school believers to grow in their understanding of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit through study of the Word, prayer and faith in action through the service of others.


Day three: challenge high school believers to accomplish their role in reflecting Christ and sharing the Good News by serving others and being prepared to testify to the work God has done in his/her personal life.

For the most up to date information about the ministry, weekend information, gathering information, etc. please see our social media, email us, or join our text list.

Find us:

Evansville Area Discovery Weekend, P.O. Box 101, Evansville, IN 47701-0101

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